We arrived safely on August 28th, taking a day to settle in before our orientation schedule started. All went well until we needed both the air conditioner and the microwave at the same time. Unfortunately, the 50 amp outlet at the pole had not been wired correctly, and our brand new RV took a jolt of electricity that felt similar to a lightning strike. Our "surge protector" failed, and we learned overnight that we had serious problems in the camper. Luckily, Koinonia has a really cozy decent 2-BR house that we able to move right into, and have been comfy since. We are taking the RV to the fix-it shop in the next city over on Friday and they will give us an estimate of the damage.

Meanwhile, life on the farm is everything we expected. A great cadence of work (indoors and out), worship, and fellowship with regular staff and visitors. We have worked in farming, cooking, construction, and in the bakery which supports the KF's cottage industry of selling organic goods with an online catalog. We all eat lunch together, and I (Beth) have been invited into the cook rotation next week. The soil is a mix of red clay and sand, which is really healthy for pecan trees, magnolias, snakes, armadillos, and alligators. Gardening is a challenge with the heat, but the farmers are looking to start planting some short term cooler crops like lettuce in the next week or so. Cotton will be coming in soon, as well as pecans.

We think the only thing we weren't prepared for was the extreme heat and humidity. And the abject poverty all around us.

Last Sunday, we worshipped in Plains, GA at a rarely found ELCA church. Reminded us so much of the early days - 41 members on the books and 20 in worship. The week before we found a Mennonite church right in Americus. All are a thawed version of the frozen chosen of the north, and we really felt at home both places.

We are grateful to be walking the same paths as Clarence Jordan and Millard Fuller did. We recently found out that Dorothy Day herself stood watch at the front gate as the KKK drove past, shooting guns toward the buildings and narrowly missing her. We are standing, walking, and working on the ground that much braver and faithful people cultivated.